How often in today’s society, especially education do we not only notice, but encourage the notion of instant gratification. Kids expect their grades to be instantly raised if they do some homework; parents rush to lessen consequences for a discipline issue or bad grade. Many times students are rewarded for mediocre performance because “we don’t want them to feel bad or left out”.
They give
out performance trophies after each day in camp. These are not the attendance type trophies so
wonderfully stood up against by James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers. It is announced at the beginning that they
are for superior performance and that they hope to give it to the same players
every day if it’s deserved. I cannot
explain how bad my son wants one. I waited for the fallout when his name was
passed over every day and then at the end when they gave the overall trophies. We walked to the car in relative
silence. After removing his pads and
getting in, my son looked at me and said; “I
was really close today daddy. Maybe if I
keep working I will get one next year.”
I stared at this little boy trying so hard to be older (wait; grown up)
than he is and while suppressing any sadness I had for him having come up
short, began to smile at something much more valuable. He was
beginning to understand the value and long term success of hard work. In
education the popular tag for this right now is “failing forward.” As more
conversation occurred, it became clear that he had somewhat of an idea of where
he fell short and what he has to do to get better next year. Consider that life lesson learned; or at
least well on his way to learning it.
Working hard
to achieve a goal often isn’t a short term endeavor. Rather, it is a drawn out
process that when successful, is a greater accomplishment than originally
planned. Would I have liked him to
receive a trophy because I personally know how hard he has worked? Absolutely,
but it makes me 100 times more
satisfied; no proud, to see that he is beginning to understand the value of
hard work for the sake of personal gain further down the road.
While I continue to learn from my sons on a
daily basis, I continually look for ways to help them and other students realize
that success in life has little to do with luck, being in the right place at
the right time, or something that someone else can give you. Rather, it comes from perseverance, hard
work, and determination. If you do not encounter obstacles on your
journey with which you must struggle, you are not growing to your potential. Any sports, academic, or military program only
reaches a level of success equal to the toughest obstacle they needed to
overcome. If the willingness to push forward
is never tested or even worse; absent, we will never withstand true resistance
when it is most needed. Success comes
from the ability to get to the other side of adversity…even when you don’t get
a trophy for getting there.
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