This blog
was influenced by the relatively recent actions and words of one of my sons. So while it has a slight personal tone, I
find it to be very relevant for what we all face each day we lead. Remember, we all have an opportunity to lead
at some point. The question is…do we
accept it?
“It’s not about being afraid. It’s about what
you do when you are.” That is the phrase I first said to one of my
sons (the 6 year old) as he contemplated climbing through a cargo net tunnel
that was approximately 50’ off the ground.
You see he is afraid of heights and the prospect of climbing at this height
where all that was between him and the pavement were big ropes that he could
easily see through was well…a little off-putting. So, as I kneeled in front of him and said;
“What do you want to do?” I never expected his eyes to widen as he stared back at
me and said; “I want to get to the top, so I can do this dad!” I smiled at him and replied; “I know you
can. I’m right here. Let’s get started.” as he turned and began
his long crawl through the tunnel.
Why does
this little recollection matter to anyone besides me?
All too
often we run into the phrase “change is difficult for everybody” in the field
of education. While it is true, it
unfortunately becomes an excuse to not try something new and difficult; accept
substandard results as “good enough” given the circumstances; or expect less
from those most needed to make the change a success.
In reality,
how many of us as consumers are comfortable when the provider says, “I know I
haven’t provided a perfect service to you, but I thought it was good
enough.” So why would we ever condone
our use of that excuse? Unfortunately, some aspects of our
society/educational system reward mediocre efforts in the hope that it will
convince the individual that they have accomplished the best they can. On the contrary, this type of reward slowly convinces
individuals to not “dare greatly” because they may fail. Therefore, they remain stagnant and never
reach their full potential. The
writings or Carol Dweck address this concept in great detail as it pertains to
academics as well as life. Change is
uncomfortable…even scary because we are not always ensured of success even if
we do work hard. What we can be assured
of though is growth in our experience, ability, and character; and as William
Moore explains in his book, mental toughness.
Think of
educational change that needs to take place.
In a nutshell, numerous schools operate on a 20th Century
schedule, with a 20th Century curriculum; in an effort to produce
successful 21st Century individuals. That
alone should scare us more than the idea of change. What we need to do is face that fear. There are many roadblocks, but as Patton
said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” We only grow by taking chances. How many initiatives (not just the passing
fads) have been abandoned because the goal was too lofty? We wanted to get there, but the path was too
arduous. Think about it. Where could we
be if we not only realized that most people are afraid of taking chances and
change, but internalized the fact that fear is a natural reaction. Our response is what makes the difference…
So, what is
your response going to be next time you are concerned or afraid?
How will
help those who may not be ready to act yet?
How will you lead?
Build your character; sustain it with
mental toughness; continue to move forward in improving both you and your
surroundings; and positively affect those around you.
Oh yeah,
that six year old is now seven and has had a couple firsts that required him to
change and as he put it, “conquer his fear!”
I think I have some things I can learn from him…
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